Hello Everyone a New Post! Yup!
I just got threw watching "Power star 4"....................epic............
it was the best yet most saddest series I've ever seen so far in Ng.
simply the best for me.
Also For my very first Flash animation I gotta Great Score! YaY!
not only that i have got some request that others want me to make another with the same character!
And so let it be done! ^__^
So maybe soon I'll be making another with the same little Fox! which in any case was so post to be me! lol Yah i know "YOU!?"
yah, before I even sign up on newgrounds I designed this character.....well me that is. lol
he or me, was meant to be a manga character of mine, to go for the show im just going to count him as another character to make it simple.
So! anyway yah he was originated as a Manga character. So far though, I've only made one volume of him. which I really want to make it go on sale one day!
But im just not sure it good enough for the big world.
anyway the REAL story with him is that he is a Fox that can't talk........ he lost his voice due to a curse.
and he Fines these things called voice boxes that help him gain his voice back piece by piece! this my friends is in the manga series not here on New grounds.
the one here in New grounds is a Completely new story, ignoring the fact that he still can't talk.
on this story he Lost his Family and now is all alone.....aaaaaand i don't want to go any further cuz I don't want to spoil the good parts. ^__^
Well I type more later Because I have to go right now.
and If you wan to know more about the little fox and the Zelda Trailer Just Pm me so I can Give more of a detail then on this post trying to spoil things......
Well Gotta Go see yal Around!
By the way im making a Video About Midna Can you guess What iT is!? -^___^-
Hello Everyone *AAACHOOOW!!!* yup that's right im sick.......uhhhhhhh...........
But im still working on my next video,when I know I should be on the bed but hey it's just how i am.......not sure when my next vid's coming out buta hopeful soon......right now im currently making
Another sprite video about mario. Don't worry though Im still going to make another Flasha nimation with the same Character....Maybe.......Isay this because i might use a different Character this time....and this time it's going to be a Girl fox. Im doing this so you can get into the story more with the Fox boy. Tot let you know the Story with the Fox boy and Fox Girl Are Connected, which means that there both in the same Cartoon!*Cough,COUGH!* oww............Well Gotta Go I really hope I get Better soon....(sigh).....I really Need it........ See ya.......uhhhhh
Greetings everyone!
Im feeling much more better than I did before.
Within two days I gotten back in shape!
and I thank God for that.
Well... it's not like those of you here would care about my health.....but hey it doesn't hurt to type about yourself sometimes now does it?
I mean I've been around New Grounds quite a long time now, and it seem that the way I thought people would be here, well would be upright.
I know I have mention this on one of my earlier post but hey, it doesn't hurt to talk about it again.
To let you know im a humble 16 year old boy who is tired of seeing all these negatives!
I mean what the HECK!
this doen't just go to me by the way but to all those who get the same problem.
I have friends who gets it,and I also see others and i send them PM's to let Them know that I Believe in them! that I know that they can Do better!
All I can say is this.......Just say is stay Humble.....
good bye.