Hey guy's Im sorry I know that you guy's have been waitng for Super Mario story part2 to come out.
But, I will confess. I haven't been working on it lately for I have been picking up new ideas of rockman Dash so I been spending my whole time Trying to create a great story with Rockman Trigger and Tron Bonne. I really Enjoy seeing those two together. So I have also been spending tme Drawing Sketches of them together.....Super Mario part2 won't be coming out for a while so im sorry for that.
But for the mean time I hope you enjoy the rockman videos.
Also, to let you know a head of time im in the Stage of trying to do animations.
Sprites im stil working on them. but, just not as much.
Well, I hope all is understood and I hope you all have a wonderfulday!=)
Let you know a head of time, I have a anime crush o Tron Bonne......so yeh....-T.T-
Hey guy's I got some REALLLY Bad new's. I just finished my FLash but for some strange reason it just won't submit....so I guess all that hard work for nothing. =C which really makes me upset...(sigh).....sorry for the bad news...
Houston, we have a weeaboo.
*STATIC*"Roger that"*STATIC*........